Our Crew
He started in the sailing world in 2009 in Brazil. A Boeing 777 pilot and former Chemical Engineer, he enjoys the freedom of being in different places with his family and always has a crazy adventure in sight. Tiago has sailed in several countries like USA, Qatar, New Zealand and Brazil, but mostly in the Mediterranean and on different boats including catamarans, trimarans and monohulls.
Started sailing in 2010 in Brazil. She is passionate about books and children's literature. She works as a speech therapist and never says "no" to a new adventure! Mari is the one that brings reason to our decisions.
He is passionate about each discovery in nature around him, always observing the details of everything he sees. He races go-karts and solves Rubick's Cube in 20 sec, he also plays the piano and is very focused at school. Giovanni is a very observing kid, full of life and beautiful smiles.
Always lively and very attentive to everything that happens around her. She loves anything to do with arts and is eager to learn all about everything around her. Manu makes anime drawings and because of it she is learning Japanese on his own. She is decisive and always goes out to explore the nature around us and socialize with other kids.
He is our captain and friend, with a vast sailing experience in sailing the Mediterranean and in Brazil where he sails his own boat, Blue Ray. Dilmar crossed the Atlantic and have more than 20 years experience on boats. He was part of our project of having people on board!